Snailwing > Archive > Cupcakes

The International House of Cupcakes, 2003
Acrylic on paper, 21 x 29.7 centimeters


The storefront of the International House of Cupcakes,
note the large fiberglass statues of cupcakes flanking
the door.

Frosted Stalin, in purple: a view of the left cupcake
from above. This cupcake is decorated with an
image of Stalin in 1935.

A view of the right cupcake, after Georgi Rublyov's
Stalin painting, also dated 1935. Beneath the cupcakes
are two poems: Zoloto kholodnoe luny from the Persian
by Sergei Esenin translated by slovesnik and
Lilichka! by Vladimir Mayakovsky translated by lyeta.

Side view both of cupcakes.

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